DSL Becomes SQA Approved Centre
22nd January 2015
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DSL has strengthened the scope of services it offers to the offshore oil and gas industry by gaining Approved Centre status from the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) to deliver the competence based qualification, Offshore Deck Operations SVQ Level 2.
The qualification, developed by OPITO and SQA, is for personnel working in the oil and gas industry in the roles of deck operations and heli-deck operations on offshore platforms and installations. It is used as the benchmark by many operators and their contractors to demonstrate the competence of their deck crew in the slinging and lifting of loads, helicopter handling operations, general deck operations and health, safety and environmental best practice in the oil & gas environment.
Approved centre status is a prestigious accolade for DSL. The SQA are widely recognised as the main awarding body for vocational qualifications in the oil and gas industry and work closely with OPITO, managing a wide range of qualifications associated with oil and gas field operations.
The DSL Training Academy is now able to offer this new work-based assessment package to its clients in the North Sea/Europe and further afield and has plans to deliver the qualification to its own multi-disciplinary offshore teams.
For further information contact: Ian Pease, Group Training Manager e: ipease@derricksl.com